Thursday 12. September 2024
Opening Session – Michael Stiglmayr
Keynote Lecture I: Upper bound sets for bi-objective knapsack problems (Anthony Przybylski), Session Chair: Michael Stiglmayr
Invited Talk – Session Chair: Michael Stiglmayr
The parallel epsilon algorithm for tri-objective integer optimization problems (Kathrin Prinz, RPTU)
Coffee Break
Invited Talks – Session Chair: Thomas Stidsen
Finding quasi-cliques: a multiobjective perspective (Daniela Scherer dos Santos, University of Coimbra)
Labeling methods for partially ordered paths (Ricardo Euler, ZIB)
Consensus-based optimization for multi-objective problems (Claudia Totzeck, Wuppertal University)
Invited Talks – Session Chair: Xavier Ganidbleux
Effective front-descent algorithms with convergence guarantees (Davide Pucci, University of Florence)
Sensitivity analysis of the cost coefficients in multi-objective integer linear optimization (Nicolas Forget, Linz University)
Asymptotic bounds for the multiobjective shortest path problem (Pedro Maristany de las Casas, ZIB)
Coffee Break
Invited Talks – Session Chair: Stefan Ruzika
Supported nondominated points as a representation of the nondominated set: An empirical analysis (Serpil Sayin, Koç University)
Multi-stage multi-objective optimization (Andreas Löhne, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Keynote Lecture II – Session Chair: Kathrin Klamroth
Robust multi-objective optimization (Anita Schöbel, RPTU & ITWM)
Friday, 13. September 2024
Tutorial I
Branch and bound for multi-objective optimization: overview and future challenges
(Sune Lauth Gadegaard, Aarhus University)
Coffee Break
Tutorial II
Efficiently solve your own multiobjective integer programs – A hands-on tutorial on non-redundant objective space methods
(Kathrin Klamroth, David Könen, Wuppertal University)
For details see the Book of Abstracts.