The workshop “Recent Advances in Multi-Objective Optimization” focuses on latest advances in exact methods in multi-objective (mixed) integer optimization. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Multi-objective discrete/combinatorial problems
- Multi-objective mixed integer (non)-linear problems
- Multi-objective continuous non-linear problems
- Multi-objective branch-and-bound algorithms
- Multi-objective branch-and-cut algorithms
- Column generation and branch-and-price algorithms
- Objective space algorithms
- Stochastic multi-objective optimization
- Robust multi-objective optimization
- Complexity analysis of multi-objective optimization algorithms
- Parallelization of exact algorithms in multi-objective optimization
Friday, June 19, 2015
University of Nantes (France), Faculty of Sciences and Technologies
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Serpil Sayın, Koç University. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Ruzika, Universität Koblenz-Landau. Koblenz, Germany.